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A member registered Nov 22, 2019

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Funciona assim: Ele não pensa no que fala, ele nem joga de alquimista e ele quer falar abobrinha.. Ele vai no banheiro, tem uma ideia em 5 minutos enquanto faz um cocozinho daqueles gostosos, e vem depois postar aqui.

Nossa esse cômodo einh 🤔

Cara, eu falei, cure sua frustração aqui oh:

Haters gonna hate the mages. I love you mages, you are the best! Keep up alchemists!

This will fix your frustration:

O que eu vejo nesse post: mais um alquemista frustrado 🤔

I am not a mage and I think the spell is fair.. you need to heal as well, the spell isn't free 

You certainly live in the world of fantasy. 
The mage's buff recovers nearly the same as the alchemist's. 
However, the alchemist's buff lasts 3 minutes, and the mage's buff has to be released in addition to having to regain life. 
The alchemist's can still buff on your allies. 
You clearly recently started playing and you're talking zucchini, before the alchemist had the same buff as and now, and it lasted less time. 
Source: I have several friends level 400+ and I have been playing for more than 6 months. 
Good luck killing a boss without an Alchemist

"I didn't like that I am so strong anymore, so let me cry like a child who doesn't get a lollipop"
Grow up, this is called a nerf!!

"Não tomarás em vão o nome do Senhor, o teu Deus, pois o Senhor não deixará impune quem tomar o seu nome em vão"

Satan tate esperando no colinho quente

Usa oculos que voce enxerga

Mano, você só ameaça de para de joga, para logo. Puta mlk chato.. Ninguém no Kakele inteiro gosta de você, nem o Satan

Which monsters are you talking about? I had no monster remove all my buffs so far...

I doubt you have played with all vocations at high level, and your team idea doesn't make sense to me. They can still KS. KS is part of every game, deal with it.

Do you play more than 8 hours per day? Geez, take a break dude!

Sure it reminds me a bit of Tibia as well, but old school Tibia was very grindy, and there was zero chance that you would go solo on hunts of strong monsters. Dragons? Sure, but good luck going solo on Demons, Behemots, Dragon Lords without a massive gold loss. Not to mention that almost all creatures were for lower level, there wasn't as many "Demon strong" creatures as you have in Kakele. Spells? What spells? The only thing you could do is have a sorcerer/druid in the team to SD out the monsters, because everything else was not time/cost effective.

The player base depends on the server, and you already have a growing population on other servers. I don't think the goal should be to fix things for a specific server only. On SA servers we hunt in parties, on mobile, and we see no problem with it. The game can be pretty much played solo until level 200.

I have heard that gold will be equally split among players in the upcoming update, so hunting solo (or in small parties) will give you more profit. If you are suggesting them to add high level solo content, how would they do it? Because any content that 1 player can hunt a group of players will also be able to hunt?

Bruh, this ain't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure! Buh bye!!